Rositta Ehrlich Kenigsberg, vice president at the Holocaust Documentation & Education Center in South Florida,Juicy Couture tracksuits
said corporations such as SNCF have long used coercion as an excuse.
She said SNCF profited greatly from the transports, charging per person
and kilometer.
“Being a collaborator and saying you were
coerced is not acceptable,’’ she said. “Nobody bought that at the
Nuremberg Trials, Rwanda, Darfur, and other genocides. You can’t help
murder people and then just say, ‘Well,juicy couture handbag we were coerced.’ ’’
California, lawmakers passed a bill last month that forces companies
hoping to compete for a piece of California’s $45 billion high-speed
rail project to disclose whether they transported Holocaust victims.
SNCF said it has no problems with the bill.
US Representative
Ron Klein, a Democrat who represents portions of Broward and Palm Beach
counties, which have a high Jewish population, said he was writing a
letter to Florida Governor Charlie Crist asking for some of the same
things Goldstein wants.
SNCF employs 175,000 people and is
generally respected as a heavyweight in French industry. But the
company has had a hard time erasing its past.
Between 1941 and 1944, 3,000 rail wagons were used by the SNCF to transport Jews to Nazi death .juicy couture jewelry,
according to a study by French historian Christian Bachelier, ordered
by SNCF in 1996. The study points out that there were acts of
resistance, but they were sparse, isolated, and mostly by workers — not
SNCF administration.
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